Breaking News!!
Bos ends his Grasstrackracing career.
After years of thinking(and speaking !) about it, now it finally has come
to this: Uppie Bos puts a stop to his magnificent Grasstrackracing career
as from now.
For 25 years he was one of the most spectacular and combative riders in
A career with many "highs" en "lows".
Grasstrackracing has a wonderful spectacular and exciting character, which
is also its main charm. That 's what makes it so difficult to cut the
knot !
Physically Uppie could rather easily 'make his rounds' for a number of
Many factors contributed to making this difficult decision.
Especially his latest crash has had a great impact. Uppie narrowly escaped
again from really severe injuries and that fact played a significant part
in quitting sooner than planned.
We hope this site will give everyone interested an overview of Uppie's
great career.
Several persons are still working at contributions to the site and on
a regular bases there will be an update.